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Code of Conduct



Our School Code of Conduct has two main goals: (1) to ensure the safety of staff and students, and (2) to create an environment conducive to learning. Our School Code of Conduct is aligned with the Stamford Public Schools Policies and Regulations, specifically “Student Conduct” policy #5131.

Our School Code of Conduct is part of a philosophy of discipline based on the premise of educating students about appropriate behavior, recognizing and rewarding appropriate behavior, having clear and predictable consequences that are applied consistently by staff, and making restitution and restoring relationships when misbehavior has occurred.

Mission Statement

We at Turn of River Middle School, in partnership with home and community, dedicate ourselves to the goal of academic, artistic, and athletic success for all students. The faculty at Turn of River welcomes the challenge of developing the Early Adolescent Child into a more independent, confident, and productive individual.


Our Code of Conduct is based on the three principles of Safety, Responsibility, and Respect. If you act in accordance with these principles, you will be within the rules of the school, and more importantly, you will increase the likelihood of experiencing personal success in and satisfaction with school. Again, it’s all about: Safety, Responsibility, and Respect!

Students are expected to follow these expectations within the Code of Conduct. If you learn and follow the “TOR Expectations: Safety, Responsibility, and Respect”, you will have the secrets on how to be successful. Below we have organized the TOR Expectations into four primary school environments with specific expectations for each environment. Each year students will be taught these expectations in the natural environment. These expectations will be reviewed periodically throughout the school year.


Safety, Responsibility, Respect


  • Stay seated
  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Keep the bus clean
  • Follow bus driver directions
  • Keep voices low
  • Show respect for others


  • Follow adults’ directions
  • Handle materials appropriately
  • Arrive to class on time
  • Be prepared for class with all materials
  • Complete schoolwork
  • Show respect for others


  • Enter & exit the cafeteria quietly & orderly
  • Place belongings under your seat
  • Remain seated
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Say Please and Thank You
  • Show respect for others


  • Walk on the “right” side
  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Walk directly to your next class
  • Keep hallways clean
  • Keep noise levels down
  • Show respect for others


If you violate the rules of Turn of River Middle School, certain consequences will follow. The specific consequences will be determined on the basis of the severity and/or frequency of the offense. The selection of the appropriate consequence is solely at the discretion of the grade level administrator. Your parents will always be informed of the disciplinary consequence you receive.

1. Detention

You may be assigned a detention either during lunch or after school. The sole activity permitted during detention is silent study. Failure to complete a detention may result in an additional Administrative detention and possible Loss of Privileges/ or Saturday School.

2. Saturday School

You may be assigned a Saturday School. This program is an alternative consequence to an In-School Suspension and allows students the opportunity to fulfill disciplinary consequences without missing valuable class time. Saturday School is held from 9:30am – 12:30pm every other Saturday. The sole activity allowed in Saturday School is silent study. Failure to report to Saturday School or failure to follow the supervisor's directives will result in Loss of Privileges, and/or In-School Suspension. If a student misses an assigned Saturday School, he/she will be assigned 2 days of In-School Suspension. Saturday School may be rescheduled, at the discretion of the grade level administrator.

3. Loss of Privileges (LOP)

As you advance through Turn of River Middle School you may receive certain privileges, such as choice seating in the cafeteria, “no hassle” hall passes, team/school celebrations, and participation in fun events and activities. However, you will forfeit these privileges if you do not comply with school rules. Along with other privileges, students who violate the Turn of River Middle School Code of Conduct may lose the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities, such as, but not limited to, Field Days, 8th grade Picnic, and/or Class Day Exercises.

NOTE: You must maintain a satisfactory discipline, attendance, and academic record in order to retain privileges.

4. In-School Suspension (ISS)

The length of an In-School Suspension may vary from one period to 5 school days. If you are given a full-day In-School Suspension, you must report to the In-School Suspension room no later than 8:05 a.m. and remain there until 2:55 p.m. or until your bus is called. This includes assemblies, field trips, etc. The sole activity permitted in this room is silent study. All of the provisions listed under “expectations for classroom behavior” apply to the In-School Suspension room. In addition:

  1. you will be allowed to leave the room only during specified restroom breaks
  2. you will have access to a limited lunch menu (no snacks or juice drinks)
  3. you must complete all assigned course work.

Failure to comply with any of these provisions will result in a parent conference and an extension of the In-School Suspension, Loss of Privileges, and/or suspension.

NOTE: You are not allowed to participate in any athletic practice session or games, any co-curricular practice, rehearsal or performance, or after-school activity on the day of an In-School Suspension.

5. Suspension (OSS)

According to Stamford Public School Policies and Regulations, a student may be suspended for up to ten days for "conduct on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity that endangers persons or property, is seriously disruptive of the educational process, or that violates a publicized policy of the Board”. (See section entitled "Student Conduct" for information on your rights in regard to suspension). If you are suspended from school, you may not be on school grounds or attend any school function for any reason unless you have made prior arrangements with your grade level administrator. You and your parents must have a conference with your grade level administrator prior to your return to class after suspension.

6. Referral to the Principal

If you should continue your inappropriate behavior despite efforts to correct it, or if you should commit a serious act that disrupts the school or endangers others, you may be referred to the Principal. The Principal will initiate a thorough review of your behavior, and may determine the advisability of your remaining in school under your current program. In addition, the Principal may assign an out of school suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion from Turn of River Middle School.

7. Expulsion

The Board of Education has the right to expel any student where the Board of Education has cause to believe that the student engaged in “conduct on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity that endangers persons or property, is seriously disruptive of the educational process, or that violates a publicized policy of the Board”. The Principal may recommend to the Board of Education that expulsion proceedings be initiated. The Board has the authority to expel a student for up to one year.


The following listing of specific rules is not intended to be all-inclusive. You will be subject to disciplinary action any time your behavior is disruptive or inconsiderate of others. The list below is a guide; specific consequences will be assigned by the student’s grade level administrator. Please recognize that these rules apply at all times while you are on or off school grounds and/or in proximity to the school, on school-sponsored field trips, on school buses, at bus stops, and while you are traveling to and from school. You are responsible for following all rules and regulations contained in the Stamford Public School’s Policies & Regulations and this Code of Conduct.

*Note: It is expected that teachers establish and maintain appropriate standards of behavior and create a positive learning environment that shows a deep commitment to students and their success. As a way to independently address behavior issues, teachers will contact parents, assign detentions as necessary, and conference with students in order to restore relationships when misbehavior occurs.

1. Classroom Conduct/Disruptive Behavior

Behavior that interferes with instruction is considered a serious violation of the Turn of River Code of Conduct. The teacher has the right and responsibility to retain order in the classroom. The severity of the consequence will depend on the extent of this disruption.

Behavior Consequences
First Incident Teacher will remind student of school rule, and may call home or issue a detention
Second Incident Teacher will issue a detention and call home
Third Incident (Referral to administrator) Saturday School
Fourth Incident (Referral to administrator) 3 days ISS and or Loss of Privileges
Fifth Incident (Referral to administrator) Referral to Principal

2. Tardiness

In order to maximize instructional time, you are expected to be in your classroom before the second bell (tardy bell) rings.

Behavior Consequences
First Tardy Teacher will remind student of tardy policy, and may call home or issue a detention
Second Tardy Teacher will issue a detention and call home
Third or more Tardy(s) Referral to grade level administrator: Saturday School and/or Loss of Privileges

3. Period/Class Absences (Class Cutting)

You must attend all classes unless your absence is authorized. Not only is daily attendance required, it is essential for the successful completion of your course work. Since we sincerely want you to succeed at TOR, we will respond to every unauthorized absence from a class.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Saturday School
Second Referral Two days ISS and/or Loss of Privileges
Third Referral Three days ISS and/or Out of School Suspension

4. Detentions Assigned By Teachers

A teacher may assign a detention for tardiness or inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Failure to serve a teacher assigned detention will result in the following:

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Serve teacher detention plus 1 administrative detention

5. Public Displays of Affection

School is not the place for displays of affection. Hugging, kissing, and other PDAs detract from the seriousness of our academic institution and cause problems with hallway transitions.

Behavior Consequences
First Incident Teacher will remind student of school rule, and may call home or issue a detention
Second Incident (Referral to Administrator) Conference with grade level administrator and call home
Third Incident (Referral to Administrator) Administrative Detention
Fourth Incident (Referral to Administrator) Saturday School and / or Parent conference

6. Possession of Electronic Devices

Students are extended the privilege of possessing cell phones, portable music devices, and other electronic devises on school grounds; however, the school is NOT responsible for stolen or lost electronic devises. It is strongly recommended that you do NOT bring such devices to school. Whenever school is in session, cell phones and other electronic devices may not be used. These devices must be in the off position, not visible and not audible. Failure to follow the above procedures will result in the following consequences.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Confiscation of the item and one detention
Second Referral Confiscation of the item and two detentions
Third Referral Confiscation of the item, Saturday School and/or Loss of Privileges

*Note: Teachers who confiscate electronic devices will provide them to the child’s grade level administrator. Parents are required to come to school to collect the electronic devise.

7. Cheating, Plagiarism*

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Zero on assignment and Saturday School
Second Referral Zero on assignment, three days ISS, and/or Loss of Privileges

*Plagiarism= copying from another student, using someone else’s words (classmate or published author) without using quotation marks, and cutting and pasting from the internet.

8. Conduct throughout the Building

During the school year over 650 people spend a significant portion of each day at Turn of River Middle School. In order for our school community to function smoothly, each individual must observe certain standards of conduct around the building.

  1. Academic Hallway without a Pass: In order to ensure that there are no interruptions or distractions during instruction, you may not be in the academic hallways during class time without a pass from a staff member. Students who are in these hallways without a pass after the passing bell has rung will receive the following:
Behavior Consequences
First Referral Administrative Detention
Second Referral Two administrative detentions and / or Loss of Privileges
Third Referral Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
  1. Food and Beverages: The cafeteria is the only area of the building/grounds in which you are allowed to eat and drink. In order to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for all, you are asked to leave your table and floor around you clean and free from garbage when you are finished eating and deposit unfinished food and drinks in the garbage. Food and beverages are not allowed to leave the cafeteria unless you have written permission from a teacher or administrator.
Behavior Consequences
First Incident Teacher will remind student of school rule, and may call home or issue a detention
Second Incident (Referral to Administrator) Administrative Detention
Third Incident (Referral to Administrator) Two Detentions and / or Loss of Privileges
Fourth Incident (Referral to Administrator) Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
  1. General Hallway Behavior: Please observe the following rules in regard to the building:
  • Walk through the hallways
  • Do not loiter in hallways, bathrooms, gymnasium areas, or stairways
  • Stay to the right
  • Keep noise levels down (no yelling or screaming)
Behavior Consequences
First Incident Teacher will remind student of school rule, and may call home or issue a detention
Second Incident (Referral to Administrator) Administrative Detention
Third Incident (Referral to Administrator) Two Detentions and / or Loss of Privileges
Fourth Incident (Referral to Administrator) Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
  1. Littering: You are asked to help maintain a clean and sanitary environment in the school and on school grounds. Please do not litter.
Behavior Consequences
First Incident Teacher will remind student of school rule, and may call home or issue a detention
Second Incident (Referral to Administrator) Administrative Detention
Third Incident (Referral to Administrator) Two Detentions and / or Loss of Privileges
Fourth Incident (Referral to Administrator) Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
  1. Lockers: Although you are provided with a hall locker, that locker remains the property of the school and may be opened at any time by school officials. It is important that you keep all valuable possessions at home. Do not write on, kick, or abuse this school property as it will be considered vandalism.
Behavior Consequences
First Incident Teacher will remind student of school rule
Second Incident (Referral to Administrator) Administrative Detention
Third Incident (Referral to Administrator) Two Detentions and / or Loss of Privileges
Fourth Incident (Referral to Administrator) Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges

Note: The school is not responsible for personal property stolen from lockers. Do not share lockers or give your combination to others. The school reserves the right to inspect and search lockers, desks, and other school property, without notice or consent.

9. Inappropriate Language or Gestures

Vulgar, lewd or obscene language and gestures have no place in an educational atmosphere.

Behavior Consequences
First Incident

Teacher will remind student of school rule, and may call home or issue a detention

Second Incident (Referral to Administrator) Administrative Detention
Third Incident (Referral to Administrator) Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
Fourth Incident (Referral to Administrator) 3 days ISS and / or Loss of Privileges

10. Insubordination/Disrespect

You are asked to respond promptly to the directions of all staff members and to act respectfully toward staff members at all times. Refusal to do so is considered a serious breach of the Turn of River Code of Conduct. Insubordination/disrespect that endangers persons or property and/or is seriously disruptive of the school environment will result in at least a three day suspension up to a ten day suspension with a possible recommendation for expulsion.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Saturday School and/or Loss of Privileges
Second Referral 3 days ISS and/or Loss of Privileges
Third Referral 3 days Out of School Suspension

11. Lying To School Personnel

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Two days ISS and/or Loss of Privileges

*Note: Refusal to identify yourself, surrender your ID card, or lying about your identity will be dealt with as insubordination and lying, respectively.

12. Vandalism and Theft

Vandalism, theft, destruction of school property, and possession/sale of stolen materials are unacceptable and inconsistent with the “general principles” of our Code of Conduct. The consequence for those acts will depend upon the extent of the vandalism or theft.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral

Saturday School

Second Referral Three Days of ISS and / or Loss of Privileges
Third Referral Referral to Principal

13. Fighting

Disputes between members of the school community should be resolved through proper channels. Pushing, shoving, wrestling, “play-fighting”, etc. will be considered as fighting regardless of the intent.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
Second Referral 2-5 days ISS and / or Loss of Privileges
Third Referral 3 -5 days Out of School Suspension

14. Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation

Every member of the school community is entitled to attend school free from harassment, intimidation, threats, or fear. Bullying and/or intimidation of others may include but is not limited to any aggressive, or negative gesture(s), or written, (including via the internet), verbal, or physical behavior that places another person in reasonable fear of harm, or that has the effect of threatening, insulting, demeaning, or intimidating any student in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school environment. Students who exhibit a significant pattern of intimidation/ bullying will be recommended for expulsion.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Saturday School and / or Loss of Privileges
Second Referral 3 days ISS and / or Loss of Privileges
Third Referral 3 days Out of School Suspension

15. Dangerous Conduct

Any action which endangers the safety or well-being of individuals will not be tolerated. As a general principle, such actions will result in at least a five day suspension up to a ten day suspension, and Loss of Privileges, with possible recommendation for expulsion. Students who engage in dangerous conduct may also be referred to law enforcement authorities.

Examples of conduct that is considered dangerous and is prohibited include, but are not limited to the following: sounding a false fire alarm, assault, possession of a weapon, unauthorized possession, selling or consumption of dangerous drugs, narcotics, or alcoholic beverages, possession of drug paraphernalia, violation of any Federal or State law, and causing physical harm to a student or staff member. Furthermore, if you have knowledge or have reason to believe that the safety of a member of the school community may be at risk, you must immediately contact your grade level administrator.

16. Dress Policy

In order to maintain and promote a positive, safe, academic learning environment, the following dress code guidelines must be followed:

  • Students are NOT to wear hats, ‘doo’ rags, bandanas, headbands or any other headgear except for religious reasons.
  • All garments are to be opaque in material.
  • Muscle shirts or tank tops are not allowed.
  • Shirts and tops are to cover the entire torso and bosom area.
  • No parts of underwear /lingerie or straps are to be seen.
  • Pajamas or lounge wear are not allowed.
  • Pants are to be worn at the waist with a belt.
  • Shorts/skirts are to be no shorter than fingertip length when the arm is extended.
  • Clothing may not advertise drugs, violence, and alcohol or contain vulgar or sexual language.
  • For safety reasons, no sunglasses, studded bracelets or studded neckwear are to be worn.

Failure to follow the above dress policy will result in the following consequences.

Behavior Consequences
First Referral Reminder and dress code violation clothing provided
Second Referral Parent contact & dress code violation clothing
Third Referral Parent meeting & ISS